Tips - Part II
Posted By biteme September 10, 2021
In the first part, we talked about taking care of our physical body through diet and movement. Below are some tips to look after your mental health and stay positive during these tough times.
Practice mindfulness
Mindfulness practices such as meditation or breathwork exercises can be a great first step in looking after your mental health during lockdown. Even if it is only for 5 to 15 minutes a day, these practices allow you to be fully present and bring your awareness back to your body.
Mindfulness practices can increase blood flow to your brain, allowing you to feel more relaxed and calm. For instance, practicing a short-term meditation is linked to reduced stress, anxiety and negative emotional patterns. It will also allow you to understand your own mental health needs better, which in turn will help you cope with difficult situations better.
Have fun!
Just let go and have fun! Set aside time each day to switch off – from work, social media, news and other commitments – and do something you truly enjoy. With little or no social activities, you may find that you have more time on your hands. This is a good opportunity to explore your hobbies or find one new ones. Challenge yourself to pick up that book you have been putting off, start journaling, spend time in nature, walk around the neighbourhood, or kick start your exercise regime.
Stay connected
In these difficult times, it is also important to stay in touch with friends and family. Take time out to check in with loved ones, do some fun activities together, or simply enjoy a meal together over FaceTime. These small acts can give you (and them) a massive mental boost.
Get a daily dose of fresh air & sunshine
Spending too much time indoors in one place can cause mental and emotional fatigue – or commonly referred to as a cabin fever. This is why it’s important to go outside for a walk or run at least once a day. This is beneficial for both the mind and the body – your mind gets a break from the task at hand, while your body gets to move and stretch.
Welcome in the warmer season and spend some time outside to soak up the sunshine and get your vitamin D fix – a vitamin that is extremely important in regulating your mood. Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to depression and poor mental health, so it is important to keep your vitamin D in check. If you live in an area with not much sunlight, think about investing in vitamin D supplements. Speak to your health professionals for more advice.
Lockdowns can be challenging, but they also open up opportunities for you to establish positive habits and focus on your wellbeing. Try incorporating these tips into your day, and your body will thank you for it later.
Article by Thimpika Sachdej – Qualified and Accredited Nutritionist